Harbour Heights Hotel Wedding
I have always been fond of the Harbour Heights Hotel in Poole. It has a beautiful view of the harbour, the vista from the decking outside is spectacular. So when Nicky & Justin asked us to be their photographers we were delighted. Nicky is a keen photographer so it was great to be able to “talk photography” with her during our meetings and to have such flattering things said about our work – thanks Nicky, you are really kind!
On the day of the wedding the weather was unpredictable so the ceremony seating was all setup inside, but as the morning progressed it started to brighten up so the team at the hotel transferred all of the seating outside again which was outstanding service. Nicky & Justin had opted for a non formal ceremony which gave more options for the seating plan. Nicky had asked my advice previously about which direction the ceremony should face, so I had opted for a layout that faced the sea and organised the sunshades to be put up. This makes for far more difficult exposures & complex compositions (shooting into the light etc) but the results are worth the work!
The weather held out for the ceremony but not quite long enouth for us to shoot the couples portraits before it started to rain however, as you know I love the rain so armed with an umbrella we charged out and shot all of their portraits with brollies to hand!
So here are a very few of the images from the day, we hope you all enjoy them!
Hotel : http://www.fjbhotels.co.uk/harbour-heights-hotel/weddings/